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Supplemental Course

Environmentally Preferred Purchasing for Zero Waste (EPP01)

Build Your Zero Waste Purchasing Powers! Environmentally Preferred Purchasing

Come to this Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Coures where Marialyce Pedersen will deliver tailored and actionable guidance intended to enable participants to walk away well prepared to solve their trickiest EPP issues.

At your completion of this online course, you will be able to:

Understand existing and emerging EPP regulations which may affect your organization, and how to be prepared to comply.

Consult existing leading-edge purchasing policies and draw from them to draft an EPP preference or policy for your organization.

Know how product identifiers drive EPP, where you can find them in use now, and how to influence existing suppliers to establish new or additional identifiers, as well as track their purchasing.

Apply what’s worked in communicating to and obtaining support of senior leaders and co-workers about EPP and how to drive participation, program success and organizational pride.

Report key environmental and financial savings (Key Performance Indicators) achieved by EPP program implementation.

Your Instructor: National Recycling Coalition Board and TRUE Advisory Council member Marialyce Pedersen will share what’s worked well in procurement during her during her 30+ year sustainability career: 16 years in corporate environmental policy at The Walt Disney Company and 11 years in local government: Ventura County, City of Ventura, County of Santa Barbara, and City of Thousand Oaks.
  • EPP for Zero Waste
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed